Howler Magazine

Howler magazine is a quarterly American football (soccer, that is) magazine covering football from around the globe. Well financed from the offset (it was started as a Kickstarter initiative – read more about that here), it was founded by Mark Kirby and George Quraishi and created by people with backgrounds in the likes of GQ, Condé Nast, National Geographic, HarperCollins and Reuters. Pretty impressive stuff.

The first two issues were designed by the same team which brought you Eight by Eight Magazine, Priest and Grace, with the latest issues designed by Joel Speasmaker. And like Eight by Eight, the design of the magazine is some of the finest your likely to see in a football publication anywhere.

Its full of gorgeous, colourful spreads, clever, thoughtful layouts, vibrant illustrations, incisive infographics and excellent photography, and editorially features some big name football journalists from around the globe.

To get your hands on the magazine visit their website:

Images courtesy of Howler Magazine. Click on each to see bigger

You can see a flip-through video of issue one here:

[vimeo width=”600″ height=”365″ video_id=”50623718″]



Ballesterer Fußballmagazin infographics



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