The Ultimate Classic Azzurri HD Photo Collection – 1980s


This is the third installment of a new photo series called The Ultimate Classic Azzurri HD Photo Collection. The series will feature iconic moments and legendary players from the long and storied history of Gli Azzurri.

The series will run in periods of decades, beginning with the 1960′s (which also contains some older shots which will be highlighted), and running up to the 2000’s, the latter batch of which may come in a few volumes due to the sheer number of great photos. From Baggio to Zoff, Maldini to Mazzola and Rivera to Facchetti, all the greats will feature in this classic collection.

The photos have all been digitally retouched and, in most cases, are high-resolution, or at least quite large file size.

Original photos credits are to the wonderful (and now sadly inactive), as well as various other sources, listed as appropriate.

Click on each photo to see in full size. Each photo will be captioned below.

NEXT: The Ultimate Classic Azzurri Photo Collection – 1990s

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